Cuma, Ağustos 11, 2006

Anavatanlari Amerika

Alisveris yapilmamis ve evdeki malzemelerin azaldigi bir gun dolap acilir ve icine bir goz gezdirilir. Biraz kisnis vardir, bir avokado, kirmizi soganimiz kalmis mi, evet yarim var. Sebzeligin derinliklerine dogru inildiginde kucuk kirmizi patatesler goze carpar. Amish koylulerinin her hafta pazara getirdikleri patateslerdir bunlar, biraz kalmis. Daha ust raflara bakildiginda gene pazardan alinmis taze sut misirlar goze carpar. Bunlari da 10 dk hasladin mi tamam. Hemencecik oluveriyorlar zaten. Hepsi bir arada yenirse bugunluk de karnimiz doyar.

Pek guzel oldu. Tabaga birlikte koyduktan sonra gozume carpti ki bunlarin hepsi de amerika kitasi kokenli sebzeler/meyveler/tahillar. Hepsinin M.O. 7000’li yillara varan mazisi varmis. Amerika’nin kesfinden sonra once Avrupa’ya sonra da tum dunyaya yayilmislar. Asagiya kokenleri ve yayilmalariyla ile ilgili buldugum bilgileri ekliyorum (malesef ingilizce). Kaynak:

Gelelim tariflere…


Pek cok guacamole tarifi var ve hepsi birbirinden lezzetli aslinda. Ana malzeme avokado oldugundan olsa gerek :) Ama kisnis olmazsa olmazi bence guacamole'nin. Bizim tarifimiz de soyle:

Malzemeler (2 kisilik):

1 olgun avokado (kup seklinde dogranmis)
½ kirmizi sogan (ince kupler seklinde dogranmis)
1 kucuk domates (ince kupler seklinde dogranmis)
¼ demet taze kisnis (cok ince dogranmamis)
1 yemek kasigi eksi krema
½ misket limonunun suyu
deniz tuzu
taze cekilmis karabiber

Avokadonun olgununu nasil sececegiz? Rengi kopkoyu yesil olacak once. Gozumuze kestirdigimiz bir tanesini elimizle de bir kontrol etmemiz gerekiyor. Uzerine azicik bastirdigimiz zaman parmagimiz iceri biraz gomulecek ama hafif bir basincla da karsilacak. Iste bu avokadoyu oldugu gibi kullanabiliriz. Rengi donmus ama daha sert etli olanlarini tezgahin ustunde bir kac gun bekleterek de olgun hale getirebiliriz. Bazen oyleleri daha ucuza satiliyor ve acele kullanilmayacaksa alinabilir, neden olmasin.

Avokadoyu dogramanin da kolay teknigi bu adreste fotograflariyla guzelce anlatilmis.


Kup seklinde dogranan avokadonun uzerine rengi koyulasmasin diye once yarim limin (veya limonun) suyu eklenir. Buna eksi krema, sogan, kisnis ve domates eklenir. Domatesin dograrken cikan fazla suyu mumkunse eklenmez, zira guacamoleyi biraz sulandiriyor ve rengini bozuyor. Hepsi karistirilir, tuzu ve biberi ayarlanir.

Acili versiyonu icin de cekirdekleri cikarilmis ve cok ince kup seklinde dogranmis bir jalapeno eklenebilir.

Biberiyeli Patates


250 gr kucuk patates (ikiye bolunecek, buyuk patates ise dilimlenecek)
2 dal biberiye (yapraklari ince ince kiyilacak)
2-3 yemek kasigi sizma zeytinyagi
deniz tuzu
taze cekilmis karabiber


Biberiye, zeytinyagi, tuz ve karabiber patateslerin yuzeyine iyice yedirilir. 200 C’ye (400 F) isitilmis firinda 15-20 dk pisirilir.

Afiyet olsun…

Ek Bilgiler:


Avocados are native to Central and South America and have been cultivated in these regions since 8,000 B.C. In the mid-17th century, they were introduced to Jamaica and spread through the Asian tropical regions in the mid-1800s. Cultivation in United States, specifically in Florida and California, began in the early 20th century. While avocados are now grown in most tropical and subtropical countries, the major commercial producers include the United States (Florida and California), Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Brazil and Colombia.


Potatoes originated in the Andean mountain region of South America. Researchers estimate that potatoes have been cultivated by the Indians living in these areas for between 4,000 and 7,000 years. Unlike many other foods, potatoes were able to be grown at the high altitudes typical of this area and therefore became a staple food for these hardy people.
Potatoes were brought to Europe by Spanish explorers who "discovered" them in South America in the early 16th century. Since potatoes are good sources of vitamin C, they were subsequently used on Spanish ships to prevent scurvy. They were introduced into Europe via Spain, and while they were consumed by some people in Italy and Germany, they were not widely consumed throughout Europe, even though many governments actively promoted this nutritious foodstuff that was relatively inexpensive to produce. The reason for this is that since people knew that the potato is related to the nightshade family, many felt that it was poisonous like some other members of this family. In addition, many judged potatoes with suspicion since they were not mentioned in the Bible. In fact, potatoes initially had such a poor reputation in Europe that many people thought eating them would cause leprosy.
Some of the credit for the rise in potatoes' popularity is given to two individuals who creatively engineered plans to create demand for the potato. In the 18th century, a French agronomist named Parmentier created a scheme whereby peasants could "steal" potatoes from the King's "guarded" gardens. He also developed and popularized the mashed potato that became popular probably because he made this suspicious vegetable unrecognizable. Another person who was instrumental to the acceptance of potatoes was Count Rumford. A member of the British scientific group, the Royal Society, Rumford created a mush soup made of potatoes, barley, peas and vinegar, which the German peasants adopted as a satisfying and inexpensive dish.
The potato was thought to have been first brought to the United States in the early 18th century by Irish immigrants who settled in New England. People in this country were slow to adopt the "Irish potato" and large scale cultivation of potatoes did not occur in the U.S. until the 19th century.
There are not that many foods that can claim that a pivotal historical event centered around them. But the potato can. By the early 19th century, potatoes were being grown extensively throughout Northern Europe, and potatoes were almost solely relied upon as a foodstuff in Ireland owing to this vegetable's inexpensive production and the poor economy of this country. Yet, in 1845 and 1846, a blight ruined most of the potato crop in Ireland and caused major devastation: this event is known as the Irish Potato Famine. Almost three-quarters of a million people died, and hundreds of thousands emigrated to other countries, including the United States, in search of sustenance.
Today, this once-infamous vegetable is one of the most popular throughout the world and the one that Americans consume more of pound for pound than any other. Currently, the main producers of potatoes include the Russian Federation, Poland, India, China and the United States.

Corn, yellow

An important food plant that is native to America, corn is thought to have originated in either Mexico or Central America. It has been a staple food in native civilizations since primitive times with some of the earliest traces of meal made from corn dating back about 7,000 years.
Corn has played and still continues to play a vital role in native American cultures. It has been greatly honored for its ability to provide not only sustenance as food but shelter, fuel, decoration and more. Because of the vital role that corn played in the livelihood of many native cultures, it has been one of the important icons represented in the mythological traditions of the Mayan, Aztec and Incan Indian civilizations.
Traditional dishes made with corn often included a small amount of lime - not the fruit, but calcium oxide, the mineral complex that can be made by burning limestone. Limestone is a sedimentary rock that is composed of calcium carbonate and occurs naturally across the United States. This lime added to a corn meal was generally obtained from the fire ash because a small amount of lime is produced simply from the burning of wood into ash. The reason for this process was simple: people seemed healthier when the pot ash was added. Now we know why. The niacin (vitamin B3) in corn is not readily available for absorption into the body, and lime helps free this B vitamin, making it available for absorption.
When Christopher Columbus and other explorers came to the New World, they found corn growing throughout the Americas, from Chile to Canada. It was consumed both as a vegetable and as a grain in the form of cornmeal seasoned and eaten as an accompaniment to vegetables, fish or meat. The corn that was prized was not just limited to the yellow and white kernel varieties that we know, but many other more popular varieties that featured kernels of red, blue, pink and black and were not only solid, but spotted or striped.
Corn was brought back to Europe by Spanish and Portuguese explorers who later introduced it throughout the world. However, many of the European explorers coming over to North America ignored Native American traditions - including the pot ash tradition - and later fell victim to the vitmain B3 deficiency disease called pellagra. Today, the largest commercial producers of corn include the United States, China, Brazil, Mexico and the Russian Federation.



Blogger Tijen said...

bu siteni nasil olmus da görmemisim?
ellerine saglik vallahi.
en çok neye özendim biliyor musun avokadoya. özledim antalya'daki avokadolari. tabii burhaniye'de yok! burda da baska seyler var ama..

4:13 ÖS  
Blogger YesilErik said...

Tijencim selam, burasi cok yeni zaten, bir sey kacirmadin yani, hosgeldin :) E sizin Burhaniye'de neler var o zaman avokado yoksa, Maya'yi saymiyorum :)

3:27 ÖS  
Blogger Papatya said...

avokadoyu biz de cok seviyoruz, Giritin dogusunda yetistirildigi icin de her zaman ve cok uygun fiyata tazecik avokadolar bulabildigimiz icin sansliyiz. Guakamoleniz leziz gorunuyor :) Benim sizi ilk ziyaretim oldugundan eski yazilarinizi da okudum. En cok da izgarada enginar fikri hosuma gitti.. sevgiler,

3:55 ÖÖ  
Blogger YesilErik said...

Merhaba Papatya, hosgeldiniz bahcemize ve de tesekkurler :) Ben de sizin blogunuzu takip ediyorum aslinda bir suredir. Girit'ten aktardiklariniz muhtesem gercekten de, ne kadar bereketli bir yer. Hatta yildiz seklinde enginarlardan bahsetmistiniz bir yazida, cok hostu. Belki onlarla denersiniz artik mangalda enginari :)

2:28 ÖS  
Blogger ycurl said...

Ben denedim bu guacamole tarifini. Pek bir begendik :) Bu arada avokado kolesterolu dusuruyormus. Erik dikkatli olmak gerek dedi ama okudugum yazilarda tam tersini soyluyordu ;)

4:16 ÖS  
Blogger YesilErik said...

Ycurlcum, begendiginize sevindim. Kolestrol hikayesini bilemeyecegim pek. Kendisi kolestrol iceriyor avokadonun ama metabolizmaya etkisi nasil oluyor bunun bilemiyorum. Kupune dusmemek lazim derim sonucta :)

12:26 ÖS  
Blogger Evren Yasa said...

bayıldım ben bu avokado goruntusune. ben de hazırladıktan sonra avokadonun kendi kabuklarında servis yapiyorum cok sik oluyor, tavsiye ederim

3:44 ÖS  
Blogger YesilErik said...

Evren, cok tesekkurler. Aslinda ben de kendi kabuklarina koydum avokadonun :) Bence de harika bir sunum sekli. Sevgiler.

11:48 ÖÖ  

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